Breka Bakery & Café - Davie
🇨🇦 VancouverÜber Breka Bakery & Café - Davie
Das Breka Bakery & Café ist ein familiengeführtes Unternehmen, das seit 2006 im lebendigen Stadtteil Sunset von Vancouver ansässig ist. Mit insgesamt acht Standorten zeichnet es sich durch seine kontinuierliche Verfügbarkeit aus – rund um die Uhr, jeden Tag im Jahr. Regelmäßig unter den besten Bäckereien und Cafés Vancouvers gelistet, bietet das Café eine Vielfalt an qualitativ hochwertigen Getränken, Backwaren, Sandwiches und mehr. Die entspannte und einladende Atmosphäre sowie die vielfältigen Essens- und Getränkeoptionen machen Breka zu einem beliebten Treffpunkt sowohl für lokale Bewohner als auch für Touristen. Das Café legt großen Wert auf hervorragenden Kundenservice und bietet seinen Gästen eine gemütliche und einladende Umgebung, in der sie sich zu jeder Tages- und Nachtzeit wohlfühlen können. Breka ist auch bekannt für seine großzügige Auswahl an Köstlichkeiten und Snacks und bleibt ein fester Bestandteil der Gemeinschaft, die es stolz unterstützt.
Breka Bakery & Café bietet ein umfangreiches Sortiment an kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten. Zu den angebotenen Speisen zählen ganze Kuchen, einzelne Tortenstücke, Strudels, kleine Naschereien, Donuts, Kekse, Brote, Sandwiches, leichte Snacks, Ofenpasteten und Suppen. Gäste können sich sicher sein, dass sie jederzeit etwas finden, das ihren Gelüsten entspricht, sei es ein herzhaftes Sandwich oder ein süßer Apfelstrudel. Besonders die große Auswahl an gebackenen Leckereien ist hervorzuheben, die das Café zu einem beliebten Ort für Naschkatzen macht. Die große Vielfalt an Auswahlmöglichkeiten stellt sicher, dass für jeden Geschmack und jeden Anlass das Passende dabei ist, was Breka zu einem etablierten Treffpunkt für einheimische Gourmets und Gäste macht.
Das Breka Bakery & Café bietet eine der besten Getränkeauswahlen in der Stadt. Die Auswahl umfasst eine Vielzahl von heißen Getränken, wobei insbesondere der Kaffee hochgelobt wird. Kunden loben die Qualität des Kaffees, der in großen Tassen serviert wird, von vollmundigem Geschmack ist und schön heiß serviert wird. Diese besondere Aufmerksamkeit auf ein hochwertiges Kaffeeerlebnis macht den Besuch im Breka zu einem Muss für Kaffeeliebhaber. Weitere Details zur Zubereitung oder Herkunft des Kaffees sind nicht spezifiziert, jedoch ist die Qualität und Zufriedenheit bei den Gästen offensichtlich.
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The food is good first of all. But I had a very irritating experience last night as an Uber driver here. I come in to grab the order, and the guy grilling the sandwhiches tells me "5 min", that's kind of annoying because they are supposed to be ready on arrival, but fine, it happens lots, I say "no problem" and go wait in my car for a few minutes. I come back, make eye contact with the same guy, and he keeps cooking. The order is clearly not ready. The next few minutes he packages up a few to go orders. I intentionally make eye contact with him and am standing right in front of the counter, so he is aware I am waiting. Still he says nothing. So it isn't ready, obviously. After another few minutes another employee asks if I have been helped, I say "yes just waiting on an Uber order for _____". He goes and checks the packaged to-go orders and hands one of them to me, that's now been sitting there 7 or 8 minutes.
Why... WHY did the first guy I dealt with not hand it to me? I ask him this, and 2nd employee says "there's a pickup window", which there is, Uber drivers are supposed to pick up at little drive thru type window on the sidewalk, and I forgot to use it. I've picked up dozens of orders from Breka bakeries, and normally use the window but forget on occasion, never been a problem at all. It was 3 in the morning also, its not like it was crowded inside.
I explain this to employee 2 and ask why employee 1 couldn't simply hand me the order and he says "he's working".... WHAT?! lol. Exactly, so hand me the order or place it on the counter. As if handing it through a drive thru window is any easier. It's simply there to reduce crowding in the restaurant. So picking up inside isn't making his job any more difficult. "He's working" he says lol mind blowing response. He was putting a putting a couple sandwhiches in a panini press, he can't hand me the order? I saw him handing other customers their order.
What clearly happened, is buddy was tired, and irritated by me not using the window, so he was trying to prove a point, even at the cost of the customers Tuna Melts warmth. He was a maybe 20 or 30, had a mask on...
Look dude, I was tired too, I was at the tail end of a 13 hour shift. How about a simple "you are supposed to use the window" and just handing me the damn food? I would have apologized and been on my way. But no you place it by the window and don't tell me anything despite us making eye contact several times, me standing 5 feet away from you, and speaking to each other at the start. Why didn't you mention it then? The customers food sat there for almost ten minutes. Also drivers don't get paid by the hour, bro, you're literally messing with my income because of your pettiness.
What's with this attitude some restaurant staff have with Uber drivers? Not all, but there's always a few. We're not trying to make your job harder, just doing mine. It's crazy how you're willing to let the customers food get cold just to try teach me a lesson. So goofy.
An absolute institution for anyone looking to do late night work. Great coffee, good food, and MVP wifi! I love breka!
Despite the deluge of crowds of office and medical staff,largely female based, as sweets and tasty snacks aplenty displayed;, always a good draw for energy boost mid-afternoon; for physically demanding working types. I was leisurely wasting time before a Drs appt.Felt good to leisure for a change sad theres no outside seating. Sadly the view of Howe Street not so delightfull...so close to' At Issue Day'; tomorrow. Defcaf coffee very good! Is all I dared from all the temptations.;)
TRIED FOR THE FIRST TIME AND IT WAS GREAT ,LIKE THE BREAKFAST ,AND THE PASTRY IS SO YUMMY. Continues to be a great pace for food to take for work
Great place to go for your morning coffee. One of my favourite cafes to go to on the way to work :)
A great 24hr café for all your basic needs. Sandwiches, mini cakes, coffee, donuts, and more! The atmosphere here varies widely depending on when you come here. If you come during the day it may be busy, but mostly with people studying/working. If you come here in the evening it can have the slightly more rowdy folks. But always good vibes,
Good cafe; although it does not have enough power outlets in case you want to charge your laptop or phone. And the power outlets that are available are so loose that the chargers fall off instantly.
Delicious food and drinks and they are open 24hrs! Great place to meet up with friends, bring your laptop with you to get some work done or bring a book and just relax.
A great spot to set up with your laptop and study, especially since it's open 24hrs. The pastries and coffee are delicious, and the atmosphere is cozy and relaxed. Perfect for a late-night study session or a quick break
Very friendly staff and great location. I love this place.
Perfect for having coffee and dessert, while reading a book or working on your laptop.
It is great, perfect place to work on your laptop, great coffee. The only sad thing is that they don't have many vegan options 😅 it was tough looking at all those delicious pastries and not being able to eat them
Great atmosphere. Delicious food and 24 hours for those who like to bring a laptop and work or study.
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