Foglifter Coffee Roasters
🇨🇦 VancouverÜber Foglifter Coffee Roasters
Foglifter Coffee Roasters ist ein in der Cowichan Valley-Region ansässiges Café, das mit einer leidenschaftlichen Hingabe für die Röstung und Zubereitung exquisiten Kaffees arbeitet. Gegründet von einer Familie, die über zwei Jahrzehnte Erfahrung in der Einzelhandelskaffeeindustrie in Vancouver gesammelt hat, richtet sich das Café in einer schönen, waldigen Umgebung mit Blick auf den Shawnigan Lake ein. Diese ruhige Umgebung bietet eine entspannende Kulisse für Kaffeeliebhaber, die den sorgfältig gerösteten Kaffee genießen. Die Philosophie von Foglifter Coffee basiert auf Ressourcenschonung, Respekt und den Beziehungen innerhalb der Kaffee-Community, zu der sowohl die Produzenten als auch die Konsumenten zählen. Sie arbeiten eng mit vertrauenswürdigen Kaffee-Importeuren zusammen, die unermüdlich nach leidenschaftlichen Kaffeeproduzenten suchen. Foglifter Coffee Roasters hebt sich durch seine tiefverwurzelte Verbindung zur lokalen Gemeinschaft sowie durch seine langjährige Erfahrung und Hingabe zur Kunst des Kaffeeröstens von anderen ab. Ihr Blog bietet spannende Einblicke in Kaffeeerlebnisse, von erstklassigen Cortados in Gastown bis zu inspirierenden Reisen nach Guatemala. Es ist ein Treffpunkt für lokale Kunst und kulinarische Highlights, was das Café zu einem wichtigen Teil der Gemeinschaft macht.
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Foglifter Coffee Roasters legt einen besonderen Schwerpunkt auf die Herkunft ihres Kaffees und die Kunst der Röstung. Sie arbeiten eng mit renommierten Kaffee-Importeuren zusammen, um die besten Kaffeebohnen zu beziehen, die ihrem Röststil entsprechen und den Aufwand aller Beteiligten auf dem Weg zur Kaffeetasse würdigen. Ihre Kaffeeauswahl umfasst besondere Erlebnisse, von einem denkwürdigen Cortado in Gastown bis zu einer Entdeckungstour nach Guatemala. Die Hingabe, ihre Kunden mit hochwertigem Kaffee zu versorgen, spiegelt sich in jedem Aspekt ihres Angebots wider und macht jeden Schluck zu einem Genuss.
Arbeits- und Laptop-freundlich
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nice and clean. good for working. The coffee is more the strong side too which i like :)
Solid spot! Clearly set up for settling at to work, with loads of tables, benches, and outlets for laptops. Excellent wraps and sandwiches. My Americano was delicious—not too bitter. Polite service.
Great place to enjoy a hot chocolate while my mom is at work! Good vibes only
Beautiful cafe for meetings or spending time alone especially studying or doing work. The staff are wonderful, super helpful and polite. Desserts and drinks are delicious.
Lovely little coffee shop on Main Street! The shop is nice and bright and the drinks are pretty decent as well! Would definitely recommend to anyone who is looking for a cafe to study or to do some laptop work!
I stopped by to work in my computer a bit. The air condition was turned on, what was fabulous because it was a warm day.
The double chocolate cookie is great. It's big, price is the same as most coffee shops (5$). The pleasant surprise was the garlic bread, I reen recommend it!
Service was good. The girl working there seems happy. Happiness is contagious 😊
Love this cafe. Anna who manages this place does an excellent job. I appreciate her calm energy, cool personality and friendly soul; especially during early work mornings where I am half awake. The other staff are all lovely and kind. Thank you Foglifter!
Nice coffee shop but no wifi on the weekend is a joke.
So they don't make it clear the wifi is turned off on weekends till 4pm for some reason.
You find this out after you've already ordered. What a joke...
Nice space, lots of food options, and seating. Sandwich and coffee were mediocre. They should probably disclose to customers somehow (any signage would suffice), that they turn off their wifi on weekends.
Great espresso. Private and protected wifi network. Good service.
Dumb dumb they turn off wifi on week ends, are more expensive than other coffee houses, coffee is very average. I will never go back!!!
Cozy environment to have a cup of coffee and snack. Tables have easy access of power sockets to charge your laptop.
They enforce a 1hr limit, only if you have a laptop, even on weekdays, so if you're looking to get work done, there are lots of other cafes around that are better for working.
No wifi on weekends :(
Great cafe but says wifi available but isn’t there so I was disappointed as I wanted to work on my laptop. Saw another review stating the same problem so I guess they don’t care. Everything else is good.
No wifis on weekends, table limit of one hour.
Pastries are delicious. Sandwiches and great, as usual. Nice location. Good wifi.
Coffee is great. Taste good. Can be pricey.
Line ups come in waves. At times it's very busy and crowded and you'll feel swarmed.
NON EXISTENT guest wifi when I went. There was a password posted but the wifi network "foglifter guest" wasn't available. 🙄 Kinda huge bummer for a cafe.
Seating: bar seats as well as small tables.
Washrooms clean, required key.
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