Pilot Coffee Roasters
🇨🇦 TorontoÜber Pilot Coffee Roasters
Pilot Coffee Roasters in Toronto ist ein Café, das sich durch ein ausgeprägtes Engagement für Qualitätskaffee und die Förderung einer Gemeinschaft von Kaffeeliebhabern auszeichnet. Das Café bietet nicht nur hochwertige Kaffeeprodukte an, sondern ermöglicht es den Kunden auch, ihre Braufähigkeiten durch Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen zu verbessern. Diese Anleitungen decken verschiedene beliebte Methoden ab, darunter Espresso, V60 und AeroPress. Das Ziel von Pilot Coffee Roasters ist es, nicht nur ein Verkaufsort für Kaffee zu sein, sondern auch ein Ort für Bildung und Verbindung innerhalb der Kaffee-Community. Zusätzlich fördern sie eine Atmosphäre des Kaffee-Genusses durch sorgfältig geplante Räumlichkeiten, die darauf abzielen, die Kunden zu ermutigen, sich zu entspannen und die Kunst des Kaffees zu wertschätzen. Kunden können auch an Veranstaltungen teilnehmen, die von Kaffeetastings bis hin zur Entwicklung des Gaumens reichen – ideal für Enthusiasten, die ihr Wissen und ihre Erfahrung im Kaffeegenuss vertiefen möchten. Zudem bietet Pilot Coffee Roasters personalisierte Abo-Services an, die auf den Lebensstil und die Neugier der Kunden zugeschnitten sind, ob man nun regelmäßig die gleichen Sorten mag oder gerne neue Geschmacksrichtungen ausprobiert. Ein Besuch in einem ihrer Cafés bedeutet, Teil einer Kaffee-Gemeinschaft zu werden, die den Austausch und die Wertschätzung von Kaffee zelebriert.
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Die Getränkeauswahl von Pilot Coffee Roasters legt einen starken Fokus auf Kaffee, der in verschiedenen Geschmacksprofilen erhältlich ist. Bemerkenswert ist der 'Espigão - Brazil', der durch Noten von braunem Zucker, Papaya und einer cremigen Textur besticht. Der 'Catalan Red Bourbon' aus Guatemala bietet einen Geschmack von Honig und Aprikose, mit einem samtigen Abgang. Der 'Sumava Villa Sarchi' aus Costa Rica sticht mit Aromen von Marzipan und Mandarine hervor und ist seidig im Abgang. Für die Liebhaber von intensiveren Noten gibt es den 'Njemu Espresso' aus Kenia mit schwarzer Johannisbeere und Grapefruit, während der 'Privam' ebenfalls aus Kenia, geschmacklich mit Pflaume und Sauerkirsche überzeugt. Diese sorgfältig ausgewählten Kaffeesorten ermöglichen es den Kunden, eine reiche Palette von Aromen zu erleben und den eigenen Geschmackshorizont zu erweitern.
Arbeits- und Laptop-freundlich
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I live in the neighborhood and this is my regular spot. I don’t usually ask for the wifi, cause most of the time I was hanging out with friends. One Sunday, I visited the place with my laptop to work, yet they said to me there is no wifi during weekends. However, I saw the guy who told me that there was no wifi giving a girl wifi password with a full instruction LOL. So just 2 stars for Ossington location!
I wish I read the below. Other than that, good staff, coffee and cookies. No wifi policy in 2022 is crazy
Been here often and love the latte. I see complaints on wifi and lack of power outlets;, they aren’t selling that. If you can’t hotspot to your own phone and are gonna occupy space forever on small ticket purchase that’s not sustainable for small business. People are too entitled. The core product is excellent so get that and quit whinging about nonsense peripherals.
It’s an open concept sort design. Really good place to work a bit, chill.
No wifi on weekends?? Coffee and service were ok otherwise.
Just a heads up if you are thinking to come here to work, forget about it. They don’t provide wifi on weekends!
Great coffee location and experience.
Fair prices for their brews.
Very WFH type environment with small tables for laptops with wifi available.
Friendly staff.
Super amazing coffee and a cute place to sit and chit chat with friends
We also had the coconut date cookie and thoroughly enjoyed our experience there
Keep up the good work
Overpriced and advertise having wifi, but fail to mention they turn it off in weekends and don’t give their staff the power to turn it back on. Won’t be back!
Bad coffee, no wifi on the weekends and dirty tables
rare for me to leave reviews <4 stars but I’ve got a few reasons for it - to start, the espresso is overpriced, watered down, and I waited over 10 minutes for an americano of (for my low expectations) underwhelming taste, which there was so much confusion over at the bar because they have no system to keep track of orders here.
secondly, there are about 3 outlets in this entire cafe, yet people are primarily coming here to cowork. related to this - the wifi network & password posted at the bar was not available when we visited, so instead everyone on a Saturday afternoon was on the open network - far from ideal.
thirdly, there are only 2 public washrooms (1/2 are accessible). 1/2 had no toilet paper in it, which speaks to how understaffed this cafe is…
I understand this final point is not on the staff, but rather a note for the owner: on a Saturday afternoon, you’re underserving customers and well under acceptable serving time by booking in 1 person at the bar and 1 at the register - hopefully this was a one-off. points on preventable service design flaws still stand - will not be returning.
Like Starbucks, but better
Edit April 2024: place got degraded: rushed made coffee, only plastic cups and no wifi
Flat white 🙆🏻♀️
Good spot for working
Very good coffee and excellent service. Very hip vibe and everyone in here seems wealthy and attractive. Great place to bring your computer and get some work done.
Great for work. Typically during weekdays, it is full of remote workers and people are usually friendly. Baristas are too. Their coffee is good but not wow. Recommended for work but not much for social outings/catch-up!
Their coffee is so so good, I loved the heritage blend!
The place is cute, good to work at
The cafe itself is modern, sleek, and incredibly beautiful. All in all a lovely place to sit down for a chat with your friends or to work away on your laptop.
However, the few times I've been here, the staff has been incredibly inattentive. They'd be so engrossed in a conversation to a point where they don't even notice me walking up them at the cash counter. When I do ask for their attention, they'd begrudgingly look at me as if I had the audacity to interrupt their their chat.
When this isn't the case, I'd be lying if I said their service was anywhere remotely near welcoming.
The cherry on top has to be the tipping mechanism that then offers $1 / $3 / $5 options.
Good service deserves good tipping, but this? The audacity.
Great cafe with lots of seating & nice ambiance to get work done. Their espresso is amazing and their baristas actually know what they’re doing :). Overal awesome cafe & definitely will be returning a lot!!
Very spacious and modern atmosphere. Great place for a coffee, snack, and light work on your laptop. There seasonal iced berry cascara latte was both fruity and savory. The strawberry lemonade was super fresh, tart, and flavorful. Very refreshing.
Should prob do a no laptop time/area, no seating available due to every table being taken by single people on laptops!
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