Think Coffee
🇺🇸 New York CityÜber Think Coffee
Think Coffee in New York City ist mehr als nur ein Café – es ist ein Ort, an dem sich Leidenschaft für Kaffee mit einer tiefen sozialen Verantwortung verbindet. Gegründet auf der Überzeugung, dass Kaffee besser schmeckt, wenn die Menschen, die ihn anbauen, fair behandelt werden, engagiert sich Think Coffee für transparente und gerechte Handelsbeziehungen. Diese Philosophie zieht sich durch jeden Bereich des Unternehmens, von der Beschaffung der Bohnen über deren Röstung bis hin zur Zubereitung des finalen Getränks in ihren Cafés. Das Ambiente bei Think Coffee ist sowohl einladend als auch inspirierend, und es wird Wert auf nachhaltige Praktiken gelegt. Jeder Schluck Kaffee hier erzählt die Geschichte einer fairen Zusammenarbeit und einer angemessenen Entlohnung für die Produzenten. Diese sozialen Projekte sind Teil der Unternehmensmission und helfen dabei, an den Ursprungsorten die Lebensbedingungen zu verbessern. Mit einem breiten Angebot an röstfrischen Kaffeesorten, die auf Bestellung zubereitet werden, bietet Think Coffee für jeden Geschmack das Richtige. Egal ob kühne, ausgeglichene, fruchtige oder leichte Röstungen – hier wird jeder Kaffeeliebhaber fündig. Zudem bietet Think Coffee eine praktische Abonnementoption, die es den Kunden ermöglicht, niemals ohne ihre geliebten Bohnen auskommen zu müssen, indem sie regelmäßig frischen Kaffee direkt nach Hause geliefert bekommen.
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Think Coffee bietet ein umfangreiches Sortiment an erlesenen Kaffeemischungen, die die Geschmäcker von Kaffeeliebhabern in den Vordergrund stellen. Die Kaffeebohnen werden mit einer Philosophie der fairen Handelsbeziehungen angebaut und verarbeitet. Zu den Angeboten gehören markante Blends wie der "Devoe"-Signature Blend, der für $17 erhältlich ist, sowie "Lorimer", die kühnste Mischung und "Ainslie", eine Mischung mit lebendigen Fruchtnoten. Jede dieser Kreationen zeugt von Think Coffees Engagement für Qualität und Verantwortung. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die "La Maria"-Kreation aus Consaca, Kolumbien, die für $21 angeboten wird und ein weiteres Beispiel für den nachhaltigen Ansatz des Unternehmens darstellt. Jeder Kaffee wird sorgfältig geröstet, um die natürlichen Aromen hervorzuheben, und den einzelnen Vorlieben gerecht zu werden. Der Prozess der Bestellung auf Kundenwunsch garantiert Frische und vollendeten Genuss.
Arbeits- und Laptop-freundlich
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Hier findest du ausgewählte Bewertungen, die wir anhand von bestimmten Keywords für dich herausgesucht haben.
It was pleasant and you can work there with a laptop. Free wifi and friendly staff. A bit noisy though.
The location, coffee and facilities were enjoyable, but the internet was impossible to use. I was expecting to be able to work there and connecting was just a headache, when I asked for help the barista said “that’s the password, if you can’t get in I can’t help you” which left me with a very bitter taste... if you’re a travel nomad first try their wifi and buy after.
Great coffee and a nice atmosphere to get work done.
Pretty fast wifi, could take zoom call with no issues. Small discount for NYU students! You do have to show your vaccine card when you pay in order to dine in / stay inside.
Best place to study/work
Cute place, great coffee, great baristas :) has outlets so great place to sit and work in.
Great places to get some work done. Decent wifi
wifi, lots of seating, and outlets. A rare find in New York
Such a great place to sit down and get some work done. If you can find a table. At least — this spot is very popular with students.
There is a lot of space to work from, and charge your laptop too. Also like it that they are open for long! Had the cold brew which was good.
So you're traveling and need wifi. You go to what looks like a good coffee shop that promises wifi. You buy your $8 coffee, connect to wifi, and find out it's unusably flaky. The staff say, yeah, it's flaky.
Please either deliver on your promise, or stop advertising wifi. Thanks.
I always come here to study, there’s good wifi, lots of seating, the food isn’t the best but it’s ok. The only reason I’m rating 1 is because of this ONE MAN WHO TOOK MY ORDER. HE’S SO RUDE AND GIVES ATTITUDE FOR NO REASON.
My first encounter with him, I was on my phone and didn’t realise it was my turn to order, so he had to wave at me to get my attention. Obviously that was my fault so I apologised and started to order as normal, and said thank you afterwards. He doesn’t even acknowledge my apology or my thank you, but instead takes my order looking really mad, which I understand I made you wait like 5 seconds but you’re a grown man! Why are you petty over something so small? Doesn’t ask me for my name for my order either, and I know think coffee usually asks.
Then today, I stood on line to order, unfortunately it was him taking orders again… I watched him smile and say hi to the other customers. Then when it was my turn, no smile, no greeting. I say hi! And get no answer. So I just order. He acts rudely, not like someone who works a customer service job. Which is totally fine, but being petty as a grown man is embarrassing.
I could be imagining this all but there’s another bad review on the same man so I know it’s not only me who feels this way.
Very limited power outlets available though the coffee tasted very strong! wifi was also dependable.
Great coffee and delicious pastries in a nice space that's large but still intimate. Find your cozy corner and relax a while. Free wifi and they won't rush you out. Outside steps to the second floor are a steep climb, but not a deal breaker.
Nice spot with plenty of space for working, power taps for laptops, good wifi, excellent coffee and good pastries.
One or two of the staff had a little attitude but I ignored it.
Still, one of my favorite early morning spots in the city.
Great place to get work done. Staff are friendly and helpful.
Mostly a college crowd, but this is one of my favorite places to work in the city. Power is limited and iced coffee is strong.
Pretty good spot! Prices are okay and the food is well prepared. I really like their quiche and their oat milk lattes.
Two complaints:
1) not enough comfortable seating
2) not even close to enough plugs in this place. If you want to come work here, make sure your laptop is fully charged.
Solid place to sit down with a coffee and get some work down
One of my favorite places to sit and work. Large location with multiple types of seating areas. They have pastry, and sandwiches. Awesome staff, super friendly. Make sure to tip your barista!
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